Ages 4-6

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What can I expect?

Between the ages of 4 and 6, many children love coming to the dentist and leaving with a bag full of dental goodies. This age is important because it is when their permanent teeth start to develop. We will care for the child’s baby teeth while monitoring their permanent teeth and jaw development. We can also place sealants on the newly erupting baby teeth around 6 years old. These are shields on the biting surface of adult teeth that help prevent cavities in the future.

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Frequently Asked Questions

Curious about what to expect at your child's visit? Read through our most frequently asked questions here.

Pediatric dentistry is different because it focuses on children’s teeth. Children have developing jaw and teeth, which can impact the type of care they need. Unlike an adult dentist, a pediatric dentist focuses entirely on the child’s needs.

In general, children should see their dentist at least every six months. Sometimes, the child may need to have dental appointments every three months instead.

Children can continue to see a pediatric dentist for their entire childhood. We typically see children from birth to age 16.

The best thing you can do to prepare your child for the dentist is to get them used to brushing their teeth each day. You can talk to them about what to expect during the dental exam so that they are prepared. Once your child arrives at the dentist, our team knows how to put them at ease.

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